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My Media AdventuresLibraryAnarchy

Disclaimer: Read warnings before looking, some of my work contains themes and imagery not suited for all ages.

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About Me

Chadley McKnife - Multimedia Artist & Writer

I'm Chadley (He/It/They/She), a 20 year old writer, artist, student, and future corpse from the "United States." I have been drawing and telling stories my entire life, and have been seriously interested in visual storytelling since the start of my teen years. I'm interested in all aspects of storytelling, how to do it, and how it functions as a part of a culture. I've been doing my current webcomic, Life After Earth, since around 2018 (preperation and writing began in 2018, and I began uploading actual pages online in 2020).

What I do: Writing, drawing (including comics & cartoons), sewing, painting, animation, videos, photography, dollmaking, and more! I mostly write comic scripts and prose fiction, and my fiction is usually in the SFFH category. I currently do most of my digital art using Medibang Paint.

Other fun facts about me: I am an athiest, anarchist and feminist. Because of my interest in storytelling and narrative, I am also interested in belief and the way people narrativize reality. I enjoy learning about religion, folklore, the occult, conspiricism, and other things connected to the ways people try to make sense of the world! I'm also interested in history as a hobby. I like horror movies, particularly found footage horror. I am Autistic, mentally ill, and queer, and I often include these subjects in my work.

Languages: Currently know: English (native language) - Currently learning: Esperanto + trying to learn a functional amount of English Sign Language and American Sign Language

A photo of me in my room

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Social Media

Art TumblrSilly TumblrInstagramYouTubeTwitter

Disclaimer: To enforce healthy social media habits upon myself, I block liberally. Please don't take it personally if I've blocked you.

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Ongoing/Current Projects

Life After Earth (webcomic)

Life After Earth is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi webcomic which follows the adventures of two kids trying to figure out what happens next after surviving an alien invasion. It is a story about grief, growing up, and the end of the world.
Teen & up, Contains: A few scenes of graphic violence, some mild swearing, intense themes, and discussions of homophobia.
Read it on Tumblr - Read it on Neocities


Webseries Content Warnings (blog)

Content guides for webseries, webcomics, and other niche or indie works that are harder to find content guides to.
Disclaimer: My content guides do not necessarily mean that I condone/support any of these works or their creators. They are for informative purposes only.
Read it on Tumblr - Read it on Neocities

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Stamp & Blinkie Collection

Garlgarlic garlic and cat stamp   Life After Earth stamp

Doctor Who stamp   I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream stamp   AM Hate Pillar stamp   Bisexual and trans stamp   Anarchy symbol stamp   anarcha-feminism flag stamp   Johnny the homicidal maniac stamp   Marble Hornets Masky gif stamp   Invader Zim Dib stamp

AJJ The Bible 2 stamp   Mob Psycho 100 stamp   Uzumaki by Junji Ito triple stamp   Autistic stamp   Charlie from Hereditary autism stamp   Lemom Demon View Monster stamp   Guaranteed Video stamp

I do not allow NFTs with my work stamp   webcomic creator stamp   Marina stamp   Marina Hollywood infected your brain stamp   Be More Chill Two River Theater stamp    Ravenous poster stamp    Ravenous poster stamp 2   They Might Be Giants stamp   I Am Not A Serial Killer poster stamp

The End of the Fucking World stamp   The Blair Witch Project poster stamp   Heather poster stamp   Lemon Demon Spirit Phone stamp   trans galaxy stamp   The Twilight Sad Killed My Parents and Hit the Road stamp   Scourge Warrior Cats stamp   Warrior Cats stamp   Warrior Cats Firepaw stamp

Scourge Warrior Cats gif stamp   Louis Wain cat stamp   Over The Garden Wall stamp   UFO gif stamp   Graveyard stamp   Medieval cat stamp   Bakugan logo stamp   Bisexual galaxy stamp   X Files I want to believe stamp

Over The Garden Wall The Beast gif stamp   Marble Hornets how much do you hate it is not enough gif stamp

Cartoonist Cooperative button blinkie | make your own blinkies!   Free Palestine button blinkie   Web comic ring button   Life After Earth Button

Humanoid abomination blinkie   Everything gets eaten eventually blinkie   All having a body is horror blinkie   Flesh and goo blinkie   October is eternal blinkie   UFO Skeptic blinkie

Catboy blinkie   I love feminist media criticism blinkie   Pondering my orb blinkie   Cool wizard blinkie   Cartoon wizard blinkie   Smash the state blinkie

Click on stamps to go to their source/credit. ^_^ Ones without a link are made by me.

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Fursona fluffy brown tabby cat banner